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The Practical Thief



"A young elven sneaky sneaky thief looking for suitable donations."

Here is the promised thief. Don't blame me if your valuables go missing. Most of the voters wanted "a practical" thief. Well, if I know something, it's that I know *nothing* of practical stuff.

The girl is a standard Dungeons & Dragons rogue and an expert cat-burglar. Her name is Poppy Baublesnatcher. I think she has halfing blood in her...

And the city is Sharn, of course, Eberron's own "Coruscant". I actually considered adding flashy adverts. Illusions! Major businesses advertising their services. [link]

Tools: Mouse, Paint Shop Pro.
Image size
1260x933px 634.91 KB
© 2011 - 2024 SirTiefling
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TheBritWriter's avatar

On the flip side the title could have been 'The incompetent guard' I do love the daring arrogance of the their sneaking behind him but dammit that guard only needs to turn his head a bit!

Saying that, I too know how numbing a night shift can feel so can't complain too much about him!